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Activity 5.3.1: Case Study - Health Promotion and MomConnect


This task is about applying your knowledge about the five health promotion action areas of the Ottawa Charter (1986). As you are working your way through this task, think about the role of Health Information Systems (HIS) in health promotion. Follow the instructions below and complete the worksheet.


  1. Follow the steps below.

  2. Pay close attention to punctuation and grammar.

  3. Review your answers before submitting.

  4. Upload your completed worksheet to your ePortfolio.

Step 1

Identify and explain which action areas from the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion have been applied in this video.

Developing personal skills and Reorient health services are the action areas from the Ottawa Charter for health promotion that apply in the video. The mother goes to the clinic when she is pregnant and registers on the app. The app gives her updates on her baby, twice a week. She can ask questions about how to care for her child and communicate with an assignee when she is unable to receive services at whatever healthcare institution that she went to, whether because of a lack of resources because she is unable to go herself. Midwives can be found on the app for easy communication. Momconnect, the name of the app, can connect to WhatsApp to be able to reach more people and provide reliable health education and advice.

How developing personal skills have been applied to the app is that it communicates information, and it motivates and builds skills and confidence of the individual to improve health. the app provides health education and behaviour strategies that increases the options available to the people so they can make choices conductive to health.

Reorient health services apply to this app because it was made by a government institution with WhatsApp. The health sector worked with other sectors to be sensitive to the user needs and respect culture (The app can be used with your preferred South African language) and support the needs of the individuals and communities for a healthier life.

Step 2

With reference to the levels of data collection in Health Information Systems, discuss the role that technology has played in improving the collection of health information about pregnant women in South Africa?

Having technology solve the problems that there were with data collection which are:

  1. Too much information to collect: There are currently far too many data elements collected routinely without convincing evidence that the information collected is being put to good use.

  2. Not enough resources: Most health facilities at PHC level do not have sufficient capacity to collect all the required data daily without compromising patient care. Health facilities frequently run out of collection resources and have to resort to using unreliable collection methods, such as loose sheets of paper, which cannot be properly kept.

  3. Unfriendly tools: Most data collection tools are not user-friendly because of the massive data collection requirements i.e. the number of elements and the detail required.

  4. Duplicated information: There is at present duplication of data from several services which inevitably causes confusion. There has been little attempt in the design of tools/registers to collect the lowest denominator data which could be extracted for different reports.

These problems were present when the research was done with paper (questionnaires) and healthcare professionals. Now with the app, there is no need for the patient or healthcare professionals to go the long way round to contribute to healthcare research. They can now answer or participate in research directly with the researcher.

I have applied the required typography, if it does not appear, I have attached the Word document below.

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