Community Oriented Primary Care, COPC, is a systematic approach to health care based upon principles derived from epidemiology, primary care, preventive medicine, and health promotion (Longlett et al. 2001).
There are steps to implementing COPC, they are:
Defining and characterising the community.
Conducting a community diagnosis to identify community health problems - which is self-generated by the community.
Developing and implementing an intervention - based on what is said BY the community.
Monitoring & evaluating the impact of intervention.
Involving the community to carry out the preceding four steps.
With this activity I practiced using these steps in my community, I struggled to be able to complete this activity because of the community that I live in. However, because this is an activity that there was tutoring for, I was able to learn and grow my understand of COPC implementation from hearing about fellow classmate's communities. I've included this activity to document how COPC implementation occurs.