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Division of the Law - Discussion forum


How does the divisions of South African Law including Public Law, Private Law, Criminal Case, Civil Case differ from one another?

Public Law is an unequal relationship between the state and the subject, and it is between the individual and the state. Private Law is a relationship between two individuals who are equal partners. When someone wrongs the state, they are in a Criminal case. The state must punish, prosecute, or charge the accused in a criminal case. It is possible to find the accused guilty or not guilty. To establish guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, the evidence must be presented. In a Civil case, a person's rights have been violated by other people or parties, and they are unable to reach a settlement. The purpose of a civil case is to seek compensation for injuries and damages. Compensation is offered or remedies are granted. The facts presented ought to be more true than false, and the proof is based on a balance of probabilities.

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