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Professional Development Plan

A professional development plan (PDP) a way of documenting and planning the steps that would lead to career goals being realised (Indeed, 2019). This professional development plan is for how I plan to develop the 21st Century skills which are needed to be successful in the workplace.


There are many 21st Century skills competencies, due to the limited time I have as university student, I decided that it would be better to choose a few and develop them to a satisfactory level. The way in which I went choosing which competencies was by distributing a Johari Window to my family and friends with various competencies listed and instructed them to rank me from 1 to 5. 1 indicating that they strongly disagree that I am proficient in the competency and 5 indicating that they agree that I am proficient in the competency. From the Johari Window that I conducted, Leading, Creative Thinking, Responding Flexibly, Analytical Thinker, and Be confident in your abilities.


My goals for the end of the year when I have developed the aforementioned competencies are to:

Become a leader which is able to adapt their leading styles to the setting and type of people they are collaboration with.

  • Specific: This goal is focused on leadership styles and its relation to different scenarios where I would take the role of being a leader.

  • Measurable: Through the various group work that I will be given in HSS 3, I am able to consult with team members for feedback on my leadership skill to ascertain if it was appropriate to the group setting.

  • Attainable: This is attainable because there are many leadership development resource that are free to use.

  • Relevant: When I enter the workplace leadership will help me be able to communicate, motivate, inspire, and encourage colleagues to increase their productivity.

  • Time-bound: This competency will be developed through out the whole of 2024.

Be able to generate creative solutions to problems within health system sciences and public health which are feasible.

  • Specific: This goal is focused on generating creative solutions to health system and public issues.

  • Measurable: Through the various group work that I will be given in HSS 3, I am able to consult with team members for feedback on the ideas that I proposed for problems in our assignments.

  • Attainable: This is attainable because there are many creative thinking development resource that are free to use.

  • Relevant: This competency will help me become a good problem-solver when I encounter problems when I work in public health organisations.

  • Time-bound:  This competency will be developed throughout the whole of 2024.

Be more sensitive to the needs of people that I collaborate with so that I can have a more flexible response when they are in need.

  • Specific: Responding flexibly to the problems group members say hinder their productivity or ability to complete the work.

  • Measurable: Through journal reflections, I will be able to notice a pattern of whether or not I am developing this competency.

  • Attainable: This is attainable because I have found responding flexibly development resource that are free to use.

  • Relevant: Responding flexibly is an important intersects with many other competencies which I am working towards developing.

  • Time-bound: This competency will be developed throughout the whole of 2024.

Be able to correctly and logically identify and breakdown problems to the root of the cause.

  • Specific: Developing analytical thinking skills to increase my problem-solving skills.

  • Measurable: Through regular reflection on the table attached to evaluation plan.

  • Attainable: This is competency can be developed through developmental courses online.

  • Relevant: This is a key element in being able to problem solve, make informed decisions, think critically and communicate effectively.  

  • Time-bound: This competency will be developed throughout the whole of 2024.

Believe in my capabilities.

  • Specific: Believe in my capabilities.

  • Measurable: Through a confidence test that I will take at the beginning, midyear and end of year.

  • Attainable: Through implementing the strategies, I learned from

  • Relevant: Confidence is needed in the workplace. It is a key component in assertiveness, increased productivity, and effective communication.

  • Time-bound: This competency will be developed throughout the whole of 2024.


My strategy is to do research on the competencies through reading books, reading blogs, reading website articles, watching TEDtalks, listening to podcasts, reading journal articles and interacting with people in my community who I believe possess the competency. Through becoming knowledgeable I will be able to identify key areas within each competency that I need to develop. This is what my semester one reflections will mostly centre around, along with how I was able to apply in the assignments during the semester. Semester two will mostly center around addressing the gaps that I have noticed through becoming knowledgeable and further refining the competencies through application.   


How I will evaluate the 5 competencies throughout the year:



Creative Thinking:

I will be using the test my creativity tool. This tool test creativity across eight different metrics. These are abstraction [The ability to abstract concepts from ideas], connection [The ability to make connections between things that don't initially have an apparent connection], perspective [The ability to shift ones perspective on a situation - in terms of space and time, and other people], curiosity [The desire to change or improve things that everyone else accepts as the norm], boldness [The confidence to push boundaries beyond accepted conventions. Also the ability to eliminate fear of what others think of you] , paradox [The ability to simultaneously accept and work with statements that are contradictory], complexity [The ability to carry large quantities of information and be able to manipulate and manage the relationships between such information], and persistence [The ability to force oneself to keep trying to derive more and stronger solutions even when good ones have already been generated].


Responding Flexibly:

Journal reflections of how I conducted myself during unforeseen problems or tasks.


Analytical Thinker:​


Be confident in your abilities:

I will be taking the Confidence Code Quiz.

The first survey of its kind, the Confidence Quiz is a sophisticated assessment that is based on a variety of existing psychological surveys, and critical new questions to broadly measure confidence in women.

Ruth Marcelyne Odhiambo's Health Systems Sciences Journey

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