Ruth Marcelyne Odhiambo's Health Systems Sciences Journey
How I Developed The Knowledge, Competencies and Values Taught In HSS and How I Measured My Progress.
Developed: Through research and engaging with classwork.
Measured: Through my ability to reflect on the topics.
Kindly find the reflections below:
1. WHO Building Blocks of Health and its relevance in my learning
2. Understanding of the Quadruple Burden of Diseases in South African, its’
management and its’ relation to ongoing burdening of the Health Care System
3. Leadership and Management Theory
4. Health Financing and its’ role in the burden of disease
5. Understanding of the basic laws which influence the provision of healthcare and
the responsibilities of health care providers
6. Ethical relevance and issues in Health Care
7. Challenge and Solutionist Thinking
Developed: Through a continuous development plan.
Measured: Refer to the professional development plan, How I will evaluate the 5 competencies.
Developed: Participation in group projects and completion of individual assignments.
Measured: Noting/ blogging what I have learned.
Kindly find the notes/blog entries below:
Professionalism – behaves in a professional manner characterized by collaboration, support and an understanding of standards for integrity, ethical behavior, and professional conduct.
Communication - able to communicate effectively and professionally. Confidence in presenting and reliability of work.
Collaboration - working effectively and collaboratively with others, including classmates, lecturers and researchers.
Integration - Integration of ideas, frameworks and tools in relation to content. Being able to link disciplines, thinking and approaches in problem solving.