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Continuous Personal Development

21st Century skills are necessary to be successful in the workplace. In order to be competitive in the workplace, it is necessary to have the skill of self-directed lifelong learning which means recognising your strengths and weaknesses and continuously training and challenging yourself. It is important to develop competencies, this can take time sometimes years. During this period of development competencies are developed through learning about the competencies, by thinking and identifying your personal approaches, personal philosophy or views, and by applying yourself. Health System Sciences recognises above mentioned concepts and has encourages students to identify and develop 3 - 4 competencies in their third year. The following is a compilation of my chosen competencies and my growth throughout my third year, 2024. The following are the steps which I took to ensure that I complete this task to the best of my ability:
Step 1: Determine my strengths and weaknesses through an evidence-based approach.
Step 2: Using the information gathered regarding my strengths and weaknesses determine which competencies I should work on.
Step 3: Develop a personal statement.
Step 4: Write a 1-page reflection for each competency at the end of the year.

Ruth Marcelyne Odhiambo's Health Systems Sciences Journey

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