Why this artefact was Included
After the group discussion with my friends, I still had some questions about why my leadership style works for some people and not for others. Through YouTube I found a clip from a talk by Simon Sinek that i found helpful in understanding this and the solution to my problem.
Sinek, S. (2024). The Key to Effective Leadership. YouTube. Available at: https://youtu.be/C2Tko2rKwVs [Accessed 6 Nov. 2024].
People are open to your leadership at different times. You cannot force someone to accept your leadership/ leadership style immediately. You need to take into consideration that they have experiences that inform how they respond to your leadership. These experiences may have been bad which make them approach you with their guard up. So we have to be careful of being overbearing just because we are excited and studying leadership. All you must focus on is doing the right thing and being consistent. You cannot demonstrate good leadership one or twice you have got to do it all the time.
Leadership is doing the boring mundane easy tasks daily. For example, taking into account how you actions make people feel. This can be not having your phone out in important meetings, settings, etc. People need to feel important and valued when they are around you. Make eye contact, turn your body to face them, take interest in their well-being. You then create an environment where people feel seen, heard, valued and eventually be willing to be lead to achieve the objectives that you are set to achieve.
Short Reflection On Its Value
This video was very helpful in helping me realise the importance that consistency plays in leading other people. I learned that people are open to my leadership at different times, influenced by their past experiences. I can't force them to accept my style immediately. I need to avoid being overbearing and focus on consistently doing the right thing. By creating an environment where people feel seen, heard, and valued, they will be more willing to follow my lead and help achieve our objectives.