Ruth Marcelyne Odhiambo's Health Systems Sciences Journey
Believe in Ethical decision making
Challenge and Solutionist Thinking
Ethical relevance and issues in Health Care
Understanding of the basic laws which influence the provision of healthcare and the responsibilities of health care providers
Health Financing and its’ role in the burden of disease
Leadership and Management Theory
Understanding of the Quadruple Burden of Diseases in South African, its’ management and its’ relation to ongoing burdening of the Health Care System.
Responding flexibly. Semester 1 Reflection.
Creative thinking: Semester 1 Reflection.
Be confident in your abilities. Semester 1 Reflection.
Leading. Semester 1 Reflection
Creative Thinking: Techniques and Tools for Success Imperial College London [Evidence Of Engagement and Short REFLECTION]
Leading. Artifact 2: Leaders Make It Happen (Maxwell Leadership Podcast) [REFLECTION]
Leading. Artifact 1: The Secret To Having Influence | Ron Carucci | TEDxBeaconStreet [REFLECTION]
Responding flexibly. Artifact 3: Volunteering [REFLECTION]